So as the hunt continues, I was walking on my own in Bugis St cos the man is busy as usual with werk, Ms.Nooki is on her way for her Bandung trip and also Ms. Smooth Criminal was on her way to Gold Coast. Tertinggal la aku sorang terkedek-kedek jalan sendiri cari benda untuk our pre-wedding photoshoot. sigh...kesian kesian...Tetapi tidak mengapa ya tuan tuan puan puan KE-RA-NA (tone macam budak tengah bahas 4PM) I, telah pon BERJAYA..YA BERJAYA! mencari gown yg perfect sangat sangat!!! kalau bahasa melayu lecturer aku nampak..confirm potong point la!!
Okay back to the cerita of my gown, sedang I jalan terkedek-kedek nak cari anting-anting...tiba tiba kepala otak ni terpikir pulak nak search Bridal Shops around Bugis area cos if you guys are frequent Tong Seng members...korang mesti pass by Bugis Junction which holds frequent bridal exhibitions every few months. So, selepas mendapat idea, jari jemari ku pon menaip [lorrr], "Bridal Shops in Bugis" on google chrome kat hp SIII aku yg togel takder cover nie.. and Ta-daaaa!!! it shows this:
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Hahhh!!! Ada pon!! So for a minute aku pon pikir nak jadi adventurous and just shoot the burger and go to the bridal shop myself although its quite intimidating after how the "Jahanam(s)" at Tanjong Pagar Bridal Shops treat me before. So, I decided to pick "BRIDAL CONCEPT" and using the reliable GPS on my SIII walaupon aku tak tau baca map segala tetapi aku tetap cuba ya kengkawan!
So as I walk and walk ikot map tu...I was directed to the lane betol2 depan Tong Seng...sigh phone ni aku pikir..aku nak cari baju kahwing bukan nak makan nasi ayam!! Then the arrow started to blink and I saw the signboard Liang Seah St...I knew that I was near to clinching that perfect white gown.
So kalau nak ikot direction cara aku memang senang. Kalau korang tau the Famous Tong Seng, you just walk all the way straight and you guys can see a restaurant named Pornsak ngan gambar bontot gajah den you just continue to walk straight and you should be reaching this AWESOME POSSUM BRIDAL SHOP:
So there I am finally outside the shop, dengan penuh debaran dan bacaan "Bismillah" aku pon masuk kedai...macam nak masuk war zone pulak ehhh...So I was greeted by this friendly Uncle yang tengah relax baca newspaper maybe Towkay dia ah..kalau kuli takkan boleh rilek one corner baca Lianhe Wanbao, teo bo?
So, he welcome me into the shop and introduce me to his superb store personnel Cecilia, ini perempuan kalau boleh aku pelok da memang aku squeeze dia habis-habisan ah! She is really one adorable and nice lady to work with. Service is tip to the top! She is so friendly and casual. Mana nak dapat service macam gini kat Tanjong Paga? Hah....HAHK??
So, finally she ask me what type of gown do I want and my budget so being the direct me, I say straight to the point takder corner corner, and tell her, "the cheaper the better"! Something fluffy and must be WHITE. Dont want the Man to do pouty faces at me...
I was brought up to the second storey of the shop, all in all the shophoouse is super big...Tiga tingkat kau! naik tingkat dua da macam rasa nak pengsan. So, this temporary fairy godmother of mine starts to pick out many many white dresses all fluffy with laces and trains and bling blings....ter-feeling la pulak macam Julia Robert in Pretty woman. Hee!!!
So, I finally tried like 8 gowns in total but I must say this Cecilia her taste is immaculate. I actually fell in love with the very first gown she tried on me. It was a halter, high neck so-called mandarin cut type of wedding gown and it makes me look so darn kurus la nyah!!! Aku suka!
Lets take a peek:
You see! You SEE!! Gorgeousness kan?? From what I have learnt, a perfect cut is TRULY REALLY IMPORTANT Ladies! If you are especially a big fan of a fluffy gown like this TE-TA-PI ada high waist like I am, I really suggest you take this kind of cutting that cuts like a V at the waist area because it creates the illusion that you are slimmer..take it from me..this dress does MAGIC! to my tummy. Not only that, the high neck mandarin cut creates a slim neckline.
So for us ladies, who are not chopstick bamboo stick thinned pole type of people, this is one of the perfect cuts that you ladies can try out. Also, many of you will be asking how much this wedding dress cost. Let me tell you first, the price that I will be telling you is INCLUSIVE of Veil, Accessories (Hair, Necklace & Earrings) ya Puan puan.
The magic price is ONLY $350 la dey!! Compared to the many ber-belasan shops yg price range starts from $600 and above. THIS is definitely a good steal and one that fits my body perfectly.
Im so happy[lah]. Even the Man was happy with my choice though he prefers somethin with Bling Bling but when he looks at me in this, it creates a soft bridal elegance which fits perfectly with our chosen outdoor location.
So, for you and you and you who are still finding that perfect white dress why not head down to Bridal Concept @ 16 Liang Seah St Today! All the staff there are super duper friendly and not only that, many of our malay btb[s] also do their studio photoshoot there. And I also came to know that me bestie's sister and also the cousin also did their wedding studio shoot with Bridal Concept which is like eons ago. And even the Man was impressed by their friendly services and I must say that he is one with the most particular need for good service.
Till then. Loved.
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