Thursday, August 01, 2013

Eenie.Meeney.Miney.Mo. Who's gonna be my Tok Kadi yo?!!

Ola Awesome Ladies!!! How's everything under the sun in Singapore??!

Anyhoo, it's exactly 14 more days before we can book our Tok Kadi yo!!!! Yayy-ness!! And obviously, Me plus Beau still do not know what to do!!! Hahahahha!!! Somehow or rather getting advice from the Kakak-Kakak kahwin network gang of mine, the booking of Tok Kadi is indeed a ruthless process. Grooms have to be ultimately Kiasu on this topic.

As what my Bestie said, "Kau jangan tunggu lama-lama tauu!! Exactly, 150 days before your wedding kau nak kena kira lepas tu at the stroke of midninght kau log in kat ROMM Website and book your preferred Tok Kadi." What is this man?? Nak main cerita Cinderella kaper? Abeh kalau tak book at midnight, Tok Kadi aku jadi pumpkin segala eh?

Fuhyooo..tak tahu pulak akak nak kena kiasu cos certain Tok Kadi[s] are considered hot stuff!! Hahahahha. Anyways, for those of you are still wondering on how I know when is the specific time to book your Marriage Registration slot, fret not. Tak payah pecah otak, pecah calculator segala eh pasal nak countdown the days.

ROMM has indeed created an efficient Wedding Date calculator link.Yayy!! So, for those Brides who are like me who left their brains at work after 5, here is what you can do. Click on this Link ajer yer tuan tuan puan puan ---> ROMM Wedding Calendar

So Poof!! It will then turn out like the picture below:
So, basically what you need to do is just click on your preferred dates to be solemnized and the calendar will automatically show you when is the earliest date that you can register for your wedding.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy kan??? Itu lah..akak da cakap senang korang taknak percaya.

So anyways, after you have successfully registered your online application, you will be called for an interview. That will be covered in another post I guess cos Bestie and the other kakak kakak kahwin is trying to scare me segala saying that the interview will be super damn scary cos you need to go in alone. So, my strategy are in place such that pakai baju macam wanita melayu terakhir dan berdoa la banyak banyak yer. Kalau itu interviewer kasi aku fail, I hentak hentak my kaki suma kat ROMM! hahahahah

Anyhoo, back to the topic of selection of our Kadi, Me and Beau have few people in mind. Basically, he wanted Kadi Salim Jasman to marry us off since he has been marrying Beau's pakcik makcik kakak abang sedara suma segala and he so-called want to continue the family tradition plus from the way he say it...Brides has their wedding dream dress tapi bakal suami aku obviously has his Wedding Dream Tok Kadi. Sighhh...cos he mentioned that every nikah he attended Kadi Salim Jasman was there and member is one cool and funny berg. 

So whatever la kan, whatever rocks your sampan boy. I let him decide and of course we are still in discussion with our parents about the selection of Kadi and such and who to pick finally and the alternatives should the first choice is not available. For my take and on some logic I could think of, I believed that probably having the younger Tok Kadi generation is more safer cos like what my Bestie say, orang muda tak banyak spelling. So, kita tengok siapa yang kenaaaa!!!!! Jangan sampai nanti Beau jadi bergedil kena lenyek ngan all sorts of questions sudah...hahahhahahah

Speaking of which Kadi to select, me and Papa has this conversation as In Shaa Allah he will be the one responsible to marry me off, the Kadi is just there to guide the whole ceremony. Papa ask me for pictures of the many Tok Kadi and I was like mana ader sey?!! And he insisted, "Ader laaaa, dulu Papa nak register dorang suma tunjuk muka Tok-Tok  Kadi kat frame den kita pick ah mana muka yang okay, yang tak garang, muka friendly, agak agak ahh kita tikam tikam!"

And I was like, "WHAT???? You play tikam tikam on your selection of Tok Kadi and here I am reading blogs reviews and whatnots when selecting one of the most important official for our wedding. Papa ingat aper? choose maid kaper, tengok muka okay then trus select!" And my conclusion to this whole agenda is, some people just have it easy and for me, of course I am just super anal about everything. Hahahahhahah...

To finish off, this whole Tok Kadi saga discussion between our family members does trigger some flashbacks memory and definitely funny ones and I just cant accept the fact, back then people use to play tikam tikam when selecting the most important man for your wedding. It's either you are one cool confident berg or unfairly you are always having that lucky tangkal selit somewhere.

Till then,