Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hai Mambang Kad..Mambang Jam..Mambang Printer Rosak...cobaaaan!!

Hello youuuuu!!!!! It's been heck of a crazy month for both of us. Time check: Lagi 3 months plus jer eh korang!!! *well my feet still feels toasty warm so no worries!!*

Anyhoo, I am so excited to give you guys the updates of the many many stuffs that has been sign.sealed but yet delivered. 

Number One:

So, me and Beau's family finally made a trip to J.B to secure our cards. We have initially chosen our preferred ones at Setia Tropika area but however too many things have happened while we are there and just going back to the place gives me one hell of a phobia because our car was broken in yo!!!! Like for real...cermin kereta aku pecah bersepai glass scattered on the floor segala...*dramatic KAN??!!! 

And all this freaking time, I have only heard about stories of members.kakak dia nyer laki nyer kawan nyer jiran yg kena rompak BUT I will never ever thought it could happen to me!!!!! So scaryyyyy!!!! And to think that we actually park our car in the open space right smack under CCTV lagi kau!!!! *Ok ah...feng shui memang bodoh should be in view of the bloody CCTV not under it but still...perot dah lapar ah that time so prangai budak gemok tak leh pikir pasal benda lain. 

BUT that's not the point okay people. There are so many bloody so-called security officials who drive i ntheir golf carts around that area every 10 minutes. Takkan tak nampak kan kalau ada suspicicious person or activities?!!! But, benda dah terjadi Cik Jah...nak buat apa kan? What's important is that nobody gets hurt and ni part eh..paling best!!!!

Do you want to know what's been stolen??

SPC Petrol Card. EXPIRED Touch&Go Card. Parking Coupon for SG carparks. Sunglasses.

BODOH KAN. Ni ah baru aku label, perompak perangai bingai!!

Seriously, I was so pissed off that I actually told the Seargeant In-charge of the case, "Eh bro, You kalau dapat cekop tu perompak, cakap ngan dia, try harder la eh?!! Kalau nak rompak, gi skola dulu, jangan prangai bingai macam ni. Buat "Water face drop" jer tauu macam gini kat Ahli Jawantankuasa Perompak Sedunia. [Serious, my mouth was to the point of no return, and I almost ran out of vulgarities to spit out]

So, back to the other problem we faced last weekend is because of the company itself and uurgghh and one of the irritating stuff was that they actually told me that their printing machine is spoiled. 


I braved through the heat.the freaking 2.5 hours of jam at causeway.the urge to pee so badly. and What do I get???? Mesin rosak?? Hotaaaak ahhh!!!! *alamak kakak da garang mode on.

So, we adjusted the plan and made our way to Angsana Mall and scout for new cards. Initially, I was prepared to pay RM 4++ for each card cos what the heck, it looks nice what but then now, change of plan [lah], might as well get an ordinary card and just concentrate to print a more unique one for the Dinner Event instead. The ones we made at J.B are only for guests attending the "Sanding" on Sunday. 

We finally made a stop at Marina Card Designs on the 5th floor of Angsana Mall. Initially, the people at the front desk all look so "lemau" like keropok lekor dalam packet but after the second visit to the shop, we were greeted by a friendly salesperson who provides us with many many samples and clear cut instructions and what to look out for.

And, yayyyyy!!! I finally found a card that I really like and its cheap too. Only bout RM 2++ per card. Well, the colour theme is so-called similar to the ones for my Engagement Ceremony but heck laaaa, I love those kind of majestic gold motifs gitu and it suits perfectly to my Wedding Theme and decor.

And Beau, gets the card he wanted and I would say it's kinda cute too because of the embossed Tuxedo on the front cover. Will update and show you guys the pictures once it's done.

We also observed that there are heck of a many malay singaporean couples who did their cards there and that was the trigger factor then that we decide to just place the deposit. Other than that, we would also be placing "Buntings" to direct our guests to our wedding venue. I will be placing mine at the entrance of the carpark as the park is little bit on the inside so guests might get confused.

Mom was laughing at me when I wanted to place the "Buntings". And she commented, letak cardboard jer laaa..mana ada orang letak benda lawa-lawa macam tu kat luar?" And as usual, I spite back with a comment, "Since when I do things that others do. I like to be DIFFERENT."

And that ladies, made my mom reset her thinking which gives me ample time to order the "Buntings" and for her to butt out just a weee bit. *hehk!

Anyhoo, itulah story the mory of the whole "Card Saga" that happens to us in J.B.


Till then,
