Ola Ladies!!! Hope it's not too late to wish you people Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin to all. Biaselah, kalau akak terkasar bahasa kah..ter-laser mulut kah...hahahahha. Marilah kita sama sama buka lembaran yg baru. Ceyyy-wahhhh!
Apologies for the "biskot chipsmore" moments because its Hari Raya Ladies. There are endless people and houses and lontongs that we must crash into. Now Im Baccccckkk!!!!
Anyhoo, the title itself for today might knock you off the feet sekejap. Nope! I didnt see a jembalang at the stroke of midnight BUT Beau and Me have SUCCESSFULLY book our application for solemnization ceremony and our preferred Tok Kadi!! Yay-ness laaa! Beau finally got his dream Tok Kadi gitu. Heeheehee.....So, as mentioned in my previous post our or evidently HIS preferred Tok Kadi is Kadi Sallim Jasman.
So, as Kiasu as I am both me and Beau were still not asleep and at the stroke of midnight both of us were still on the phone bergantung discussing the details. Two important facts that I learn from this, PLEASE MAKE SURE....you guys have the important I/C details of those needed to be your Wali + Saksi. You know what happened to us??? Pukul 12 Malam tu jugaklaaaa...kita call Beau's uncle to ask for his I/C no...*slaps forehead. Naseb laaa member tu one cool and easy breezy berg.
And then, its settled after about 25 minutes. So, 5 weeks before the solemnization date the Bride + Groom + Wali need to go ROMM for the so-called interview. And that people, will be another post okay?? Hahahah.....
Immediately after Beau said everything is confirmed and paid for, I sent him a crying face emoji and he returned a pissed off face emoji back at me with a caption WHY??? So, I told him, I'm Finally getting married!!! Cry of happiness la...and the mamat was just too tired to even entertain my nonsense anymore. pfffttt!!!!
Yes, people!! I am getting married!!! Cannot U-turn already no matter how freezing cold this feet can be at times. It's only 4 months left and the anxiety is killing me plus the money spend too.
Till then,