Hey Y'allz!!! So, as usual akak lambat sekentot la about the recent Woodlands Wedding Saga kan? As usual laaaaa....but nevertheless still I need to address the situation to the BTB[s] reading my blog. I dont know who you guys are but its amazing on how I can get Thousands of pageviews per day!!!!! Lain kali, beri lah salam...hi hi ker eh?!!! hehehehehe....
Anyhoo, speaking of the whole Couple + Family kena tipu segala, it is sad on how there are many wedding vendors out there who have the heart to just cock up other people life's savings in a snap with many empty promises. Definitely, Im referring to those wedding vendors who really have cheated others in general la aye...not just pointing my fingers to a certain organization!! Siapa yang makan chilli dia lah yang terasa pedas la yerr.
This "CREEPY CHEATERS" are not first timers being published as headliners on front page news okay ladies. There are so many spreads about them in recent years so please please ladies, Do your research!!!!! Do not throw tons of money you guys have saved for your dream wedding to get sub standard wedding organisers. You want an unforgettable wedding for the wrong reason. Go ahead and engage this type of vendors [lah]. Conferm when majllis da cock-up, many will not forget about it sampai kau beranak pinak.
So, the moral of the story is ladies. Do your RESEARCH on the internet and forums such as cozycot pon ada!!!! And COMPARE the market Price from different wedding vendors. ASK people around you who recently got married about the vendors that they took! Do not just be taken in by artificial sweetener words the wedding company has given you. Always go to different companies and ask. Hell yes, I know it's leceh but still if you want to risk of being cheated more than a 5 digit sum be my jemputan aye?
So, I read the stories on STOMP.FACEBOOK.BERITA HARIAN. And as usual, the thing that really ticks me off is that, it was stated that the parents of the couple are willing to forgive the company. WHAT THE @@$##$%$W$%)*????????
I am sorry ah mak-cik!! I know we are Muslim segala tapi kalau nak sedia maafkan orang pon agak-agak la jugak unless you got your $$$$$ back den tu different story la eh!! IF it was me...I say ME eh?!! Aku rasa kan......like what my Bestie always tell me. Itu orang da kena tembak ngan senapang Gajah la siot!!! Orang da meng-aibkan majlis walimah kau...duit kau da terbang and still you want to forgive them?!!
IF that's the real case, sorry ah call me a BITCH but I will drive you to Hades myself!!!! That's why I always find that orang melayu kita slalu kena pijak!!! Because, they forgive others too easily for all the wrong reasons! So public will always have the perception that penyangak-penyangak ni buat salah kecik padahal da patut kena tembak!!
There was a story that was told by another malay acquantaince of mine. Her niece has actually engaged a malay wedding planner....I dont know which company and was cheated of $70, 000 okay?!!!!
$70k?????!!!! Mak datuk nenek kakak dia nyer laki ah!!!!! I was shocked boy!!! She said that the pelamin was halfway done....kain berselerak and deejay came for only 5 mins and demand for his $$$. After which, he left and tukang masak never to be found. Maybe pengsan or was just pronounced dead. Who knows???
To this type of wedding vendors....SHIT YOU MAN!!! SHIT YOU!!!! AND MAY THE SHIT BE WITH YOU ALWAYS!!! You can go around running away somewhere and get knock down by a truck with full load of SHIT equal level to the SHIT you throw at others!!!
I am still wondering, since there are so many Couples who have been cheated in the last recent years, isnt there a samaritan or equal minds to actually start a committee about wedding vendors??? To actually protect both the wedding company who might get cheated or to the couples who might get cheated vice versa. They should set up a protocol and vendors have to abide by the systems. No doubt, that it wont really solve the problem but it could at least minimize the cheating cases since wedding vendors are NEEDED to abide by a stardardized rules and regulations. Anyone? Anyone????
And also to the Expo Wedding Organisers, do your clients a favour and engaged only the quality wedding providers can or not?? Do some of the research and make sure blacklist the company from doing their exhibition. These are some of the suggestions I think that could help us BTB[s] and Mak BTB[s] of our society. Not everyone does research and most of the time, the Wedding Expo are our target to find wedding providers. But, not all the wedding providers there could be trusted I must say.
I, for once do not engage any wedding providers from the Wedding Expo. Usually, I will just search on forums and ask around for trusty wedding providers. My wedding vendors are mostly our own friends and contacts and I dont know if this is too anal of me. But I will always prefer to do my meet-ups at the wedding vendor's house. So, in case anything happen...Akak "GEGAR" rumah kau!!!! hahahhahahah....oh well....maybe just a little splash of paint...glue in the padlock...standard "Tailong" procedure [lah]!! Hhahahahaha....just kidding!!!
And also, I prefer to plan the wedding by me and Beau. Having a wedding planner is good but I am just so cautious that I decided not to trust the ones in the market. Luckily for me, I have awesome friends who are running around to be the "Wedding Planners". Still the same concept and at the same time "Freeeeeeeeeee!!" Not trying to be a cheap-skate la eh...but I trust my friends that they will do a better job than most wedding planners out there.
So Ladies, please do have a pool of friends.cousins.people you trust to give quality advise for your wedding day. They are usually the ones who will see the "blindspots" and inform you while you are busy trying to lose weight and have a deadly diet dreaming about walking down the aisle in your white dress.
Till then,