Sunday, December 16, 2012
Suck It UP!
Okay Gurls, Im publishing another blog post tonight basically is because I just need to get this trouble off my chest. It weighs a ton. And basically, I cant sleep and not have to work for another few more weeks till term goes Ga-ga again.
Anyhoo, I know there are many brides to be that would want/ think they need to lose weight over a certain period before their nuptial. But my Problem is...I don't.
"Abeh kalau tak...apa hal kau nak complain lagik ah minah? Nak buat orang jealous per?"
Nope. Never my intention to make anyone jealous. In fact, sometimes I do feel I look worse than someone who might need a diet. Basically, I am a 1.6m in height. Some say its quite tall and okay for a girl but honestly Aku Ayam Katek compared to Beau who is like 1.76m OR more. Pfft!!!
And another thing is that I have small waist, thin legs, slender long bony fingers, nice petite arms. (And what the hell are you complaining bout Bitch?!!!)
Tapi my tummy is Bloated. (Feel like capping the words but ended up being a wuss and somehow still in denial)
Yup. I have a Bloated tummy. Sibeh-sibeh bloated tummy. I got offered seats on trains, buses anywhere with idiots who might think they are doing a favour a preggy woman. Sad kan. Now u get the jist of it all???
Aku pon tak tahu asal tummy aku ajer yang bloated whereas the rest of my body are considered petite and to think that I still shop for t-shirts at GAP, ZARA Kids departments. Cool kan?? But not cool when there are people who just think your preggy and give up their seat.
It is a nice idea if the train are fully pack and my feet are sore from all the shopping done. But other than that, It SUCKS BIG TIME.
It makes me Sad. Pouts.
Well, one thing for sure I do know that the reason behind this is because I have a thick layer of tummy skin according to my personal masseuse and it happens to ladies who are in their mid-twenties usually and and also...Do take note of this ladies: If you are constantly wearing corset every day like I did and suddenly your tummy feels flat and nice and you just chuck your corset away...THIS WILL HAPPEN. Your tummy will just VOOM!!! Bloat up!!!
Cos i have been to doctors. Several in fact. And few common things are that needs to be change are my lifestyle and food intake. I have been eating lots and lots of starch.
Pebret aku?? Potato wedges. Aku suka kentang sebab tu badan pon jadi nasib macam kentang..atas kecik tengah besau!!! Musibot betol!!! Aaarrrghh!!! And apart from that I constantly suffer from having a great deal of amount of wind stocking up in my tummy. Papa calls me a burping doll. Just press and I burp.
Oh well. I hate IT. So currently I am back to wearing my corset for most of the days and hope that this tummy can be flat like it used to. One more year babes. It's scary.
And it is especially hurtful to your ego when someone keeps commenting and asking if your preggy or not. And to think some ill-considerate bastards laugh in your face because of it. And I do get that. It makes me so self-concious every time.
And I do hope those who make fun of me will eventually rot in Hell. Sadistic kan. Well, I do think they deserve to Rot and Trot in Hell.
Oh well...other than that, I sure do Hope & Pray that Me&Beau will be healthy and happy every single day. Everyday. Ameen.
Tooodlooos Everrrryyboody!!
Lagi siket terlupa nak ter-type R. Da nanti blog title sound jadi Aku Babie. Siak-ens. Hakk!!! Stupid Keyboard. Dalam banyak-banyak hari aku nak type blog, today the "R" knocks out on me.
Anyways back to the Story mory of Project Hitch kitorang, there are not many updates. There are still caterers that we are still trying to consider on. And I should say that is one of the Major headaches that I am suffering currently.
And Tentage. Not to mention the one with underlining like this below:
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From ( Photos are for reference only) |
Korang tahu tak berape???? 10K beb....10k...Itu 10k lebih puas hati aku simpan buat gi Haji ah!!!! Well, definitely of cos it also depends on the size the breadth width yada yada of the tentage. But I am talking like maybe 3quarter size of a basketball court. Tak patut. Tak Patut.
It could be less or more. But that is the price that you might have to pay.
Anyhoooo, speaking of which, I would not pay for that kind of amount for a tentage. I just find that it is not worth the money even with extra moola's i prolly got in the pocket. And furthermore, no offence ah but the tentage kind of looks creepy to me. It is super white and kau letak jer lampu blue fluorescent den voila! it looks like a bloody funeral to me. So nope!! Can't Do!!
And I am amaze with people who are willing to pay for that kind of price for a creepy tentage like this. I mean that is my opinion and I shall just shut up if you have a dying taste for it.
Pun intended.
I mean WHY??? WHY?? people would ever spend that kind of amount. Kan lebih bernas (kan cikgu da sound kau!!!) kalau buat kat buat bawah blok..tent mcm bulan 7 besar-besar abeh mahal pulak tu...bukannyer aper...senang ke nak carik duit 10K tu?
Ok ok...people might say its their wedding day and I should just shut up about it. But sorry rants...You Listen! Kapeesh??
You know why am I so mad at this?? I just find that somehow it is irritating to know that someone pay for something i find stupid. Yep I know it may not sound stupid to them but I Do Find It Stupid and I just find that it's not worth the money.
Bukan Duit kau Kan makchic?? Yerla tapi pon,....okok Aku Shut Up!!
Actually aku nak blog pasal baju nikah....tapi tak tahu macam maner boleh masuk bab topic casket tentage plak. Eeeee!! Chillzzz.......down my spine! I was thinking punya thinking of my baju nikah. Theme aku Barbie!! Sebab itulah aku. Plastic Ke. Drastic Ke. Suka hati aku laaaaa!!! Aku suka Barbie. To me she is my perfect icon. Always stays pretty. Aku sukaaa!!!
Well just because jiwa aku Barbie tak semestinya suma nak kena PINK!! Takkan aku nak jadi mcm air bandung sesat masa nikah kan?? What i am referring to is the details of the Barbie clothes that I saw. It was simple yet Classy. I want something round neck and not droopy. Embellishments of little pears or diamentes on the side. Mermaid cutting for the skirt part and a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong train behind.
Ok this is so called my purrrrrr-fect collar/ neck area I wanted:
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Scha in a Dress by Syaiful Baharim! Gorgeoussssss-ness!!! (Picture are for reference only) |
And for the veil:
Something White. Something Lace on the sides. Perfect.
Last the bottom part:
Taking note that I have a booty the size of a J Lo's. Over the years, people have interrogate me on how to achieve a bum like that and I could just say....Pray and you might get it. While others thinking that by smacking.pinching.slapping.groping my bottoms are a sure way of getting one. Sorry Babes but I salute you guys for trying.Hahhahah.
Perfecto. Although I would prefer a less fluffier bottom part. At least, mermaid cut was the best for me. I bum bum aku tak nampak macam mak orang da beranak tujuh. Hahahahha. I guess this look will definitely make me look curvier and slender.
Ooooh...I cant wait to get my hands on the Prada laces. Basically, aku pon tak tahu mane nak beli. Arab st...hmmm...harga dorang sembelih tekak...KL...duit minyak.duit hotel. duit makan. gedebak gedebook pon sama jugak. Oh well, that is I guess my next project lorr.
All I know I must have a Ribbon somewhere on my side of the neck on that day.
Anyways Toodloos and Yoddles gurls. Hope the pictures get you guys startup on your moodboards too!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Plans With The Clans.......
It's almost 4am in the morning and IM STILL NOT ASLEEP YET. Oh Darn!!! I hardly slept through the night nowadays. Too many things running in my brain...not only that Im also acting like a freaking timebomb by the second.
Somebody says something and then....tick tock tick tock BOOM!!!!!! Aku Explode!!! Scary kan!! Aku pon tatut!! Sigh.......But I guess its just all part and parcel of planning the wedding. Mind you...its 1 YEAR...Uno Numero...Left. Means there are 12 months exactly. 365 Days.
Hmmm...and im already behaving like crazy. Are all brides like that? Or is there like a category such as...
Bridezilla (Nobody can win over this bride...she tramples and snarls at you every moment)
Brideysaurus ( She is a little better than Bridezilla...She just shouts. No Trampling Done)
I think Im still a Brideysaurus mainly because I try to plan all things ALONE. Not that I do not want to include Beau in...but what does a guy know? U ask him Nice? Can? and the only words they manage to spring out "How Much?" Sooooo...i make it a point. If I ever want to do something, I shall do it Alone and PAY for it ALONE. Now've got to be INDEPENDENT.
And tomorrow..which is actually today already, I am meeting with my preferred caterer and try to check out their full quotations and such. Papa is looking at inviting 2000pax...
All I can say is WA LAO EH!!! But if it only concerns his money...I say Kamsiah Hor!! Hahahha
Other than that...been checking out some designers to design my Nikah Outfit. From the likes of Syaiful Baharim...Hatta Dolmat and Mahi Zulfakar. Suma nak nama atas-atas eh ni budak...But I guess pretty clothes are just a part of my nature and I would make it a priority to have one that is truly awesome.
Other than that, looking forward to meet up with Zul Radi and plan our wedding theme plus all the clothes design. I guess if his designs for the nikah outfit is suitable to what I love...I would skip the designers then.
Other than that, got to meet up with Jentayu also. My mom is so keen on getting the white chivalry chairs...she said it is so Brit and royale...and I say she's got to pay if she wants it. Im fine with normal chairs. At least we agreed on how the tables are going to be positioned.
Then the next one is FAVOURS. Pening Aku. Mabok Aku. Aaaaarrgggh!!! I think Im just gonna do a customised stickers and paste it on some candies or small goods i can find. This is driving me nuts!!
Then the next one is HANTARAN GIFTS. Tu lagi pening. I thought of getting a nice clutch or something but Beau typical..Bigger is Better cos nanti kalau ada baby senang can change it baby bag. Sighhhh.........Havent even gone through the baby making part and my bags desire are already a sacrificial lamb. What is this????
Well...all i know is that I do not want to repeat the same old same old stuff that I got for my Engagement. Come to think of It......da macam hantaran kahwin. Tu la dulu aku tak percaya bila da tengok gambar and video balik baru ter-wake up jap.
I thought the main important things would be:
Praying Set (Praying Mat/ Telekong)
Jewellery Set ( Earrings/ Necklace/ Bracelet)
Clothes (Preferably a Hatta Dolmat....heee!!!)
Perfume Set
Yup...I guess that's about all there is then. I thought of wanting to make it a little simpler this time. And the same goes for my beau too.
Well...I guess that's about all the things that should be enough to wreck my brain for this few weeks and months.
Till then...Toodlooos!!
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Nak Kpak Bing-bing macam tuuuuuu.....
Oh My GOODNESS!! How long has it been that I have not fully bitch.. I mean talk bout my latest happenings few months gitu...well basically...i FORGOT that i have a blog that I could actually bitch with.....cos most of the time i have been super busy berangan pasal wedding aku nyer march-in.....hahahha...
Well looking at me...people would never have guess that I am the sort of girl who could imagine or conjure up a love scene or even love the idea of LOVE or just a hopeless romantic. Maybe ego aku tinggi or maybe I am super good in disguising my thoughts and feelings cos almost always people say i am unpredictable and do not know whether i got anything up my most of the time aku pakai sleeveless so nothing to hide....hahahha.
But honestly..I do!! I do!! I do!! I love the idea of being in Love. I love to imagine how Beau would look at me on our Nikah his eyes will shine when he see me wearing my beauutiful nikah he say WOW! She's pretty and nothing else matters in his I plan to have every single step of mine towards the dias be accompanied by the soothing love music. Macammmmmmm Bollywood drama ni pompuan. But I Do! think of all that from time to time...actually almost every single fact beau is calling now but Citt!! org ngah layan berangan...he has to wait...heeheee...
I've always imagine I want to be the pweeetiest bride of all!!.. who doesnt girl?? hurhur...I even rehearse my facial expression on how to cry on that day...I would want to see my reflection first rather than not knowing lepas tu aku melalak..mak mentelor nampak pon angkat kain lari dokk....
But it was fun imagining...I did that for my engagement though...aku pikir nyer pikir kuat-kuat and so far everything that I wanted was carried out smoothly.
Well it's difficult I would say for people to imagine aku ni Sesungguhnya Berjiwa Barbie.
Other than just knowing I love all shades of pink and everything..people sees me as sort of independent.strong.stubborn.firm. and a no nonsense attittude. Tapi tu sume action jerrr...dalam hati kita tetap ada taman laa.
sigh...sorry laaa apa yang aku merepek panjang lebar ni. Where was I? Ahhhh....back to the currently the family will be meeting up hopefully this weekend for the parents to say yes!ok! we agree to do this date! Tu jerrr....padahal knowing me and beau da In Shaa Allah confirm pon..but Papa say just for formality sake because its part of adat and its not nice to confirm everything without having the Groom's parents to finalize it.
Ok ok. I get it. So now beau and I we are doing a SEPARATE event instead of Combined. Memang la jadi perang sabil sekejap the other day. Cos both are confused on how to separate our combined account. Nak split into 2...Cannot cannot....cos Sometimes I put more and sometimes he put more or less vice versa. So naik angin la hari tu aku Bedah...kat starbucks orchard pulak make matters worst sebelah table makcik2 quarters duduk makan cake...Alaaamakkkk!!! irritating ah dorang nyer offence but at that time macam aku nak cakap..Cik gi joo chiat ah relax karaoke ke aper...mak cik noisy ah..tapi takot pulak kena cocok ngan pin tudung dorang yg terjuntai-juntai shape mcm mini samurai.
Well...finally we had conclude that it might be for the best cos sedare dia banyak...sedare aku pon banyak...kan nanti buat combine...takot jadi cerita twilight. Cullens Vs Volturi la pulak....Takkan my Edward nak lawan sedara dia kan...or mayb he would...hmmmm den sape jadi Jacob ehhh???
EH!!!! Apa aku merepek?!! Sorry..sorryyy...byk distraction ah!! Back to the topic..i saw first hand the amount of sedare he has that attended the recent cousin wedding...boy ohh boyy!! I seriously suggest they keep to their own territory.
Well it's better...cos my side ada siket nyer happening!! yg nak karaoke nanti karaoke lucky most of them are blessed with good voices..pinggan aku tak pecah...and their side I would say not really into the sound of music..I wouldnt be shock to see a bunch keromchong gang at the venue. Mine is the Rock Kapak gang and no matter wat....Wa Peace sama lu to me too!!
Finally, now beau are concentrating on how to book his venues and the list of guests. Oh well I think just get this weekend over and done with den we move on to caterer la pulak. And we shall see how it goes. True enough wat scoot and snooki says..In Shaa Allah Everything will fall into place.
Well looking at me...people would never have guess that I am the sort of girl who could imagine or conjure up a love scene or even love the idea of LOVE or just a hopeless romantic. Maybe ego aku tinggi or maybe I am super good in disguising my thoughts and feelings cos almost always people say i am unpredictable and do not know whether i got anything up my most of the time aku pakai sleeveless so nothing to hide....hahahha.
But honestly..I do!! I do!! I do!! I love the idea of being in Love. I love to imagine how Beau would look at me on our Nikah his eyes will shine when he see me wearing my beauutiful nikah he say WOW! She's pretty and nothing else matters in his I plan to have every single step of mine towards the dias be accompanied by the soothing love music. Macammmmmmm Bollywood drama ni pompuan. But I Do! think of all that from time to time...actually almost every single fact beau is calling now but Citt!! org ngah layan berangan...he has to wait...heeheee...
I've always imagine I want to be the pweeetiest bride of all!!.. who doesnt girl?? hurhur...I even rehearse my facial expression on how to cry on that day...I would want to see my reflection first rather than not knowing lepas tu aku melalak..mak mentelor nampak pon angkat kain lari dokk....
But it was fun imagining...I did that for my engagement though...aku pikir nyer pikir kuat-kuat and so far everything that I wanted was carried out smoothly.
Well it's difficult I would say for people to imagine aku ni Sesungguhnya Berjiwa Barbie.
Other than just knowing I love all shades of pink and everything..people sees me as sort of independent.strong.stubborn.firm. and a no nonsense attittude. Tapi tu sume action jerrr...dalam hati kita tetap ada taman laa.
sigh...sorry laaa apa yang aku merepek panjang lebar ni. Where was I? Ahhhh....back to the currently the family will be meeting up hopefully this weekend for the parents to say yes!ok! we agree to do this date! Tu jerrr....padahal knowing me and beau da In Shaa Allah confirm pon..but Papa say just for formality sake because its part of adat and its not nice to confirm everything without having the Groom's parents to finalize it.
Ok ok. I get it. So now beau and I we are doing a SEPARATE event instead of Combined. Memang la jadi perang sabil sekejap the other day. Cos both are confused on how to separate our combined account. Nak split into 2...Cannot cannot....cos Sometimes I put more and sometimes he put more or less vice versa. So naik angin la hari tu aku Bedah...kat starbucks orchard pulak make matters worst sebelah table makcik2 quarters duduk makan cake...Alaaamakkkk!!! irritating ah dorang nyer offence but at that time macam aku nak cakap..Cik gi joo chiat ah relax karaoke ke aper...mak cik noisy ah..tapi takot pulak kena cocok ngan pin tudung dorang yg terjuntai-juntai shape mcm mini samurai.
Well...finally we had conclude that it might be for the best cos sedare dia banyak...sedare aku pon banyak...kan nanti buat combine...takot jadi cerita twilight. Cullens Vs Volturi la pulak....Takkan my Edward nak lawan sedara dia kan...or mayb he would...hmmmm den sape jadi Jacob ehhh???
EH!!!! Apa aku merepek?!! Sorry..sorryyy...byk distraction ah!! Back to the topic..i saw first hand the amount of sedare he has that attended the recent cousin wedding...boy ohh boyy!! I seriously suggest they keep to their own territory.
Well it's better...cos my side ada siket nyer happening!! yg nak karaoke nanti karaoke lucky most of them are blessed with good voices..pinggan aku tak pecah...and their side I would say not really into the sound of music..I wouldnt be shock to see a bunch keromchong gang at the venue. Mine is the Rock Kapak gang and no matter wat....Wa Peace sama lu to me too!!
Finally, now beau are concentrating on how to book his venues and the list of guests. Oh well I think just get this weekend over and done with den we move on to caterer la pulak. And we shall see how it goes. True enough wat scoot and snooki says..In Shaa Allah Everything will fall into place.
Monday, October 01, 2012
It's a Yippee Day......
Alhamdullilah...Thanks to Allah SWT for gracing my life and planned intentions smoothly. Everything seems to be on track. Today will be the day we will be CONFIRM CONFIRM book our favourite photographer...coincidentally his name is similar to Beau...hahahhahha. Looking forward to lots of laughter working with this chap.
Other than that, I have been updating the so-called "Marriage Prep" Journal and updating the payments, moolah$ and definitely the amount that we both owed our sharing account bank. Simply said...we call it our little Oryee Cett account in recognition to our dear little favourite eee-ohhh whom beau sees as his precious baby.....
Other than truly cant wait for December to book our secret solemnization location....huahuahua..nak step mcm katie holmes ah siket!! Ader Butlers lagi uuuuuu...i loike!!! Pocket koyak rabak pon tahan jer laaa siket.....pouts sew punya sew pon tetap pocket koyak jugak...
Also...will be starting on me and ms.snooki new line of clothing soon!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I really hope this idea works cos we so looking forward to it. Not to mention, we are targetting to launch our new line of collections for 2013 Eid Fest! InsyaAllah look out for it yesh??!!
Next will just be busy keeping the moolah$ records up to date...preparing designs for the launch of our new collections..buying fabrics...setting marketing strategies and stuff....
InsyaAllah..kalau niat kita ikhlas untuk mempertingkatkan diri, mesti Tuhan tolong kita kan? Betul tak?
Betooooooooooooooool. Ameen.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
List of the Do(s)......
I think it is super important for me to start compiling the priority list for all the things I needed to to. It is so difficult visualizing all the thing all in this not so biggy brain of mine. Hmmm....Since I got one more year to go which is not so much of a time to make all the wishes come true.....Let me start with the KPI[s] first......
Things to DO:
Confirmation of Photograher + Videographer (Bliss/ Pixelwave)
Confirmation of Caterer/ Guest List/ Menu for (Nikah, Dinner, Sanding from Amani Weddings?)
Concentrate on Hantaran Gifts/ Dulang/ Wedding Favours
Confirmation and Booking of Solemnization Venue + Deposit of 25%
Start Quran Classes
Confirmation and Booking of Solemnization Venue depending on the date for 2014 Bookings opening + Deposit of 25%
February & March :
Meeting with MUA for Confirmation of Wedding Theme and designs of Bride & Groom's Wardrobe
April & May:
- Confirmation of Wedding Invitation Cards & Decor with Jentayu Gallery. Double confirm on the Number of cards for the Persandingan Event from both parents.
- Start Pre-wedding Photoshoot/ Pre-wedding Videos
June, July & August:
- Confirmation and Booking of Henna (Syraskins)
- Confirmation on the No. of Bridesmaid pax
- Bridesmaid Proposal Cards (DIY)
- Bridesmaid and Groomsmen Button Pins (DIY)
- Bridesmaid/ Flowergirls Dresses (DIY)
- Start Preparing "PHOTOBOOTHS" Catch Phrases (DIY)
- Prepare Props needed if any for photobooths
- Confirm on Photobooth Picture Quality ( Polaroid/ Normal Camera?)
Preparing for Bunga Rampai Favours(Max of 50 Casings per Bride/ Groom)
- Prepare Dulang Hantara (Max of 7 Trays (Bride/ Groom)
- Confirm that ALL Wedding Invitations/ Favours ARE READY.
- Confirmation of Quran Recitation
- Check with Vendors on any last minute updates.
- Deposit of 25% (2nd Payment) for Wedding Solemnization Venue
- Rehearsal of Quran Recitation
Fuhhh!!! It took me like about 30 minutes to finally do up a KPI Schedule like this. I am sure there will be many other things to add on as times goes by. It's okay, better than nothing right. At least I know which direction to head on each monthly basis. At least, it gives me a headstart on which items to concentrate on rather than try to be a Wonder woman and plan it all inside my head without needing to jot it down.
Sometimes, that is the problem with me. I am too optimistic. I always keep thinking everyhing is possible and no wonder I do feel the strain. But InsyaAllah, Allah SWT will guide me throughout this journey with my HTB. I BELIEVE in ONLY HIM.
And therefore, I shall begin this Wonderful Journey with Bismillah........
Bridezilla Maybe......
Countdown-ing to our BIG HUGE DAY. Lagi 1 year....don't count the 3 months laaa...pejam celik...celik pejam nanti da December pulak and to mention that I will be sibe-on with many activities in schools and such. sighhhh...Cobaaaaan.....
There are like a super long list of vendors waiting to be confirmed. So far...we have managed only to secure our MUA and Decor tu pon da kira naseb baek beb. The rest......let me try to say this in one loooooooong superrr loooong breath.......
caterer.photographer.videographer.venues.marriagecourse.bridesmaid.groomsmen.ringbearer,flowergirls. Just like carousel buffet price...there are certainly ++++++++ lagiiii banyak.....Hantaran...Dulang Hantaran.Maskahwin.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....Bride on stress mode. Heeeeelpppp!!!
Lagi 1 year jer dokk....Hopefully I could confirm my photographer + Videographer by the end of this week. I dont care what all the Makcik quarters tell me saying that I got 2 more years left. 2 more years??? Ni de Tou ah!!! Ni da tak payah pon pergi slimming centre.
Not to mention now I am more organized...thanks to bestie Ms.Snooki (tu actually nama pebret pillow dier) who constantly remind me to be more organized on dates and other moolah matters especially. I know in 2 years down the road when i read back all of this.....She is one of my pillar of strength that I should appreciate. Heee!!!
Other than that.....Ms.Snooki been helping with the logistics and basically the practicality of the sibe siao ting tong dream wedding that I want. For me.....I can only conceptualize laaaa. For her, she help to count the moolah and cents. Being a maths teachers plus minus divide multiplication is an everyday thing. For me.......I only know how to point and say I want that!! Hahh!!! Typical spoiltbrat me......
Not only that...Mr Scoot (Hubby of my pebret Ms, Snooki) pon rewang jugak.....rewang recce tempat...rewang kirakan duit and help me to plan and organized my KIP(S)....Aiseybedah!!! Kirekan mcm ada P.A la gituuu....But honestly, without their guidance...this A$$ of mine wont move beb. Not to mention HTB punyer bontot lagi glue kalau tak kena sound.
Other than that, of cos my parents has been supportive of the things I wanted for my wedding especially the Solemnization ceremony which will be posted in another post. Knowing that our Nikah Day will be in my Birthday month...I've asked for something special.......
For the HTB, he is on stressed mode too.Always worrying bout the finances. I feel pity for my Darling. In the midst of all this stress, sometimes we do get on each other's nerves. I dunno why because sometimes the issue could just be teeenee weeenee but it could escalade into a big fire. Nonethess, he will always comfort me and always give me the best advices once he cooled down.
And furthermore...being the perfectionist that I am and with a topping of a "panas baran" attitude...I feel that I started to grow and mature in matters of the heart. I wanted to be more patient and the more forgiving one in the future compared to HTB who I really admit have utmost patience with me. But of cos, most of the times I want things MY WAY cos its the only right way I know how..tu yang Hot Button dia slalu kena trigger and then I kena scolded....pouts. Kesian kan. What to do. At the very least now, I try not to shout and act like a spoilbrat like last time. I just keep quiet and try to talk thing rationally.
sighhhh...kalau dulu saper tak kenal...Lu goyang gua gendang beb!!!
But all that I guess needs to come to an end. People need to change. I need to change. And its for the better. Knowing that he will be the Khalifah of the Family. He should be respected by the Wife at all time. May Allah guide me to be a patient and loving Wife to be just like how my HTB has shown all this years.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Our .LoveNest. by the Bay
By the Bay ehhh?? Macam over-rated gituuuu...
Hahahaha...what do I care. It is specifically situated by the River Bay. What am I talking about?? I'm talking about beau's and mine future house yo!! Our Love Nest. Our Baby Making Place...ehhh wait no!! That . would have to be at my baby got "chopped" as Made in ClubMed....Classsss!!! Hahhahahah
Anyway here is the long awaited future nestling place for beau and his beautiful B...Me lah of course!!!
Hahahaha...what do I care. It is specifically situated by the River Bay. What am I talking about?? I'm talking about beau's and mine future house yo!! Our Love Nest. Our Baby Making Place...ehhh wait no!! That . would have to be at my baby got "chopped" as Made in ClubMed....Classsss!!! Hahhahahah
Anyway here is the long awaited future nestling place for beau and his beautiful B...Me lah of course!!!
*Photos Courtesy of HDB
Alhamdullilah...Everything went smoothly yesterday. Though we waited for few hours just because I am that superbly kiasu and thought can jump queue...hahahaha...and we waited and waited for 3 long hours sitting and looking at the plasma screen and praying that our wanted unit would not be "chope-ed" by others.
We finally got the unit and block we wanted. Exactly "SMACK" right in front of the beautiful river bay. Weeeeee!!! No blocking...No Noisy playground downstairs...Got the Beautiful bay windows for the Master Bedroom...Ya Allah!! I can cry.....seriously I do... knowing what happens from the last few weeks really challenge us both. Challenge after many challenges come our way but beaus stick to me and helped me in every possible way he can knowing that I didnt get my July pay....
WHY??? Because the bloody #$%$%^^#&&%@ effed-up bank closed my account without my knowledge for no good bloody reason. There was a discrepancy on their side and guess what? The "Unlucky" Me gets the shite.
But whatever past is past but to the officer who ask my account to be closed. Fuck You and You and You. I wish the same thing X 1000000000 will happen to you soon and look where can you go for help.
But negative things aside.....Im soooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!! Im Soooooo Excited!!!!
Our House. Our Beautiful House.
Finally a and Beau really looking forward to.
Sunday, July 08, 2012
His Tiffany Bride.
I'm just soooo HAPPPY to call myself a Tiffany Bride.
Not the normal Lee Hwa...SK...Watever nots...BUT a TIFFANY BRIDE!!!
Class or What????? Aaaaahhh!!!
Okay so here is the updates!!
After so much recce-ing we decided to pick the following companies for our BIG DAY:
1) Caterer: 90% Confirm Amani Weddings
The BOSS and LADYBOSS are just superbly nice fellows. We took them for our Engagement and the service? Claaaasssss. It feels like your own family members cooking for you as the services they rendered are just simply wonderful. They pay attention to details...flexible on payments and they whole entourage are just really warm friendly people.
2) Decor: Jentayu Gallery!!!!!!!! Can I say it one more time???? Its JENTAYU GALLERY BABES!!!!
Since like 2008...I've been targetting to get them to decor for my wedding. YES. Price wise are upscale-ish but Me and Beau just cant help to gawk and gawk at their collections. So, we have already booked them during the recent Jentayu Gallery Event. It wasnt intended...on my part. Dear usual surprise ME.
Our idea was to just enquire and when Beau ask how is the payment mode and after allllll the explanation...he ask me to pick the Dias that I like and BAMM!!!! he throw in the $$$$$ Cash!!! Cool or What??? Sometimes with all these things he does....he could be like those Upper Class Mafia. Just throw the $$$ and no questions asked.
COOL SHIT OR WHAT??!!!!!! I could Kiss him there and then.
I still remembered the feeling when we actually fill in the Booking form. It was all so sudden and surreal. And I remembered that I say to him...." Is this true???? Are we really booking Jentayu???!!" And he said....Yes Baby...den he gave that stupid smile that melts my knees and all the other intestines in the tummy"......sweeeeet nyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
And as crazy as it is....he wanted to sign up for the Atelier Package which cost $10K plus plus...and that is when I pulled the handbrake and I said Nope....dont be too hasty. If other girls, Im sure they would just go ahead with it.
3) Make-up Artist: Zul Radi Bridal Couture
This guy is just super cool and so low profile. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his works. Yes, initially we wanted somebody else BUT when I eventually met the so-called first choice....MELUAT GILER SIAK!!!
Firstly, its the way they look at me up and down. I shall not name the people ah but they are just a couple of Mak Nyah that turns me OFF the first time I talk to them personally. least one of them are not that bad. They look at my shoes and waaahh wahhh wahhh!! Nak kena tanyer kaper bag aku LV...jam aku Rolex and my shoes happens to be a ferragamo. MUST ASK AH??? Materialistic siak korang!! I ask to enquire bout YOUR SERVICE not you enquiring bout my own personal fashion items.
I hate it. Especially when they are pressurizing me to PAY AND PAY and Close the Deal cepat cepat. Hard selling nampak??!!! Even Bestie was quite pissed off. So at last we conclude...tak payar sua engage korang..dah lah mahal...prangai typical bitchy mak nyah and cock up first impression PLUS if the so-called boss make up nak kena tambah $700?!!!!! I dont mind paying if you are giving me a Top of the World service cos Im PAYING!! But $700?? Apa yang bagus sangat pasal korang nyer make-up to think back??? Pay $700..korang boleh buat muka aku macam Angelina Jolie ke Megan Fox kaper???!!!
Coincidentally, one of my dance instructors recommended Zul Radi Bridal Couture. And, when we met him for the first time...Boyyyyyy!!! was he friendly and nice and just superbly HUMBLE. The warmth and hospitality that the whole staff gave us was just amazing and this is the kind of service that I'm looking for....And furthermore, he is more established and held his own Pageant. Also, he NEVER CHARGE ME EXTRA when I requested him to do the make-up!!!! Cool Kan???
And not to mention....he is the ONLY One that asked what theme would I like cos he said he might even create New outfits for me!!! Me!!!! And payment wise pon flexible...tak MEMAKSA!!!
So...I didnt wait any longer and just sign up and pay the deposit on the spot.
Suma Beres.
Not the normal Lee Hwa...SK...Watever nots...BUT a TIFFANY BRIDE!!!
Class or What????? Aaaaahhh!!!
Okay so here is the updates!!
After so much recce-ing we decided to pick the following companies for our BIG DAY:
1) Caterer: 90% Confirm Amani Weddings
The BOSS and LADYBOSS are just superbly nice fellows. We took them for our Engagement and the service? Claaaasssss. It feels like your own family members cooking for you as the services they rendered are just simply wonderful. They pay attention to details...flexible on payments and they whole entourage are just really warm friendly people.
2) Decor: Jentayu Gallery!!!!!!!! Can I say it one more time???? Its JENTAYU GALLERY BABES!!!!
Since like 2008...I've been targetting to get them to decor for my wedding. YES. Price wise are upscale-ish but Me and Beau just cant help to gawk and gawk at their collections. So, we have already booked them during the recent Jentayu Gallery Event. It wasnt intended...on my part. Dear usual surprise ME.
Our idea was to just enquire and when Beau ask how is the payment mode and after allllll the explanation...he ask me to pick the Dias that I like and BAMM!!!! he throw in the $$$$$ Cash!!! Cool or What??? Sometimes with all these things he does....he could be like those Upper Class Mafia. Just throw the $$$ and no questions asked.
COOL SHIT OR WHAT??!!!!!! I could Kiss him there and then.
I still remembered the feeling when we actually fill in the Booking form. It was all so sudden and surreal. And I remembered that I say to him...." Is this true???? Are we really booking Jentayu???!!" And he said....Yes Baby...den he gave that stupid smile that melts my knees and all the other intestines in the tummy"......sweeeeet nyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
And as crazy as it is....he wanted to sign up for the Atelier Package which cost $10K plus plus...and that is when I pulled the handbrake and I said Nope....dont be too hasty. If other girls, Im sure they would just go ahead with it.
3) Make-up Artist: Zul Radi Bridal Couture
This guy is just super cool and so low profile. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his works. Yes, initially we wanted somebody else BUT when I eventually met the so-called first choice....MELUAT GILER SIAK!!!
Firstly, its the way they look at me up and down. I shall not name the people ah but they are just a couple of Mak Nyah that turns me OFF the first time I talk to them personally. least one of them are not that bad. They look at my shoes and waaahh wahhh wahhh!! Nak kena tanyer kaper bag aku LV...jam aku Rolex and my shoes happens to be a ferragamo. MUST ASK AH??? Materialistic siak korang!! I ask to enquire bout YOUR SERVICE not you enquiring bout my own personal fashion items.
I hate it. Especially when they are pressurizing me to PAY AND PAY and Close the Deal cepat cepat. Hard selling nampak??!!! Even Bestie was quite pissed off. So at last we conclude...tak payar sua engage korang..dah lah mahal...prangai typical bitchy mak nyah and cock up first impression PLUS if the so-called boss make up nak kena tambah $700?!!!!! I dont mind paying if you are giving me a Top of the World service cos Im PAYING!! But $700?? Apa yang bagus sangat pasal korang nyer make-up to think back??? Pay $700..korang boleh buat muka aku macam Angelina Jolie ke Megan Fox kaper???!!!
Coincidentally, one of my dance instructors recommended Zul Radi Bridal Couture. And, when we met him for the first time...Boyyyyyy!!! was he friendly and nice and just superbly HUMBLE. The warmth and hospitality that the whole staff gave us was just amazing and this is the kind of service that I'm looking for....And furthermore, he is more established and held his own Pageant. Also, he NEVER CHARGE ME EXTRA when I requested him to do the make-up!!!! Cool Kan???
And not to mention....he is the ONLY One that asked what theme would I like cos he said he might even create New outfits for me!!! Me!!!! And payment wise pon flexible...tak MEMAKSA!!!
So...I didnt wait any longer and just sign up and pay the deposit on the spot.
Suma Beres.
Alhamdullilah. Everything that we wanted and hope for seems to flow just fine. Ameen Ya Rabbal Al Ameen.
Syukran Ya Allah.
Save the Date.
After endless struggles, worries, dissappointment...Our Prayers was finally answered. Dear beau finally gotten the job that he likes. Really pray to Allah S.W.T for his "Longevity" in the service. To the ones who rejected my man just because his Diploma is so called middle finger is up and waving in your face!! FUCK U to You and You and You.
Apologies for the vulgarities. Its just a frustration that seems to be bottling up inside for a long long veryyyy long time.
So yay!!! Updates!! Updates!! Updates!!!
We set our Wedding Date!!! Nope...Its not this year...nope!! Not next year either....its gonna be
Why it took so long you say?? BECAUSE certain 2013 brides are super bloody kiasu and snapped up the vendors that I wanted for our 2013 date. And being superbly concious of details....we decided to postphone a month more so that we could get all the companies we wanted. And NOPE!! we are not those "cincai bocai" type of people who could just grab whatever caterer or Make-up Artiste...just because they have slots....
I'm not arrogant or proud to be saying I want to have a BIG Fat Grande wedding...and I don't want to be a hypocrite to say I want to do it small n "ala kadar"...I HATE it when people say that. In my opinion, kalau kau asek cakap nak buat ala kadar den lebih baik jangan buat langsung....yess yess yeedee is more important after the marriage tapi kalau da plan mcm nak buat kahwin cowboy everything nak minimize den I dont think there is so much memory to be shared.
To me...this is a Walimatulurus...meaning that majlis nak kena sempurna dan memuaskan pihak yang dijemput. Kalau suma nak budget sana sini pon susah jugak. Not say that we need to splurge but I've been to weddings whereby the food only has two lauk....isnt that sad.
What I'm trying to say and beau are not the type to rush into things. We like to do things the proper way and make sure we really fulfilled our guests needs. Yes, there will always be things that "Makcik Quarters" will say but if we know that we've done our best to provide den our conscience is cleared.
There are also other factors to consider. There are only certain limited months in 2013 that we can do our wedding. Must consider the Ramadhan Month...Hari raya....and school holidays!! Why?!!! Because of my career...i'm teaching and when it's the cant invite your colleagues cause there are always at other ends of the earth. So march..june...sept..nov and dec is OUT!!
So there we go......1.5 Years before I can finally marry my Bestfriend.
Apologies for the vulgarities. Its just a frustration that seems to be bottling up inside for a long long veryyyy long time.
So yay!!! Updates!! Updates!! Updates!!!
We set our Wedding Date!!! Nope...Its not this year...nope!! Not next year either....its gonna be
11th January 2014
Why it took so long you say?? BECAUSE certain 2013 brides are super bloody kiasu and snapped up the vendors that I wanted for our 2013 date. And being superbly concious of details....we decided to postphone a month more so that we could get all the companies we wanted. And NOPE!! we are not those "cincai bocai" type of people who could just grab whatever caterer or Make-up Artiste...just because they have slots....
I'm not arrogant or proud to be saying I want to have a BIG Fat Grande wedding...and I don't want to be a hypocrite to say I want to do it small n "ala kadar"...I HATE it when people say that. In my opinion, kalau kau asek cakap nak buat ala kadar den lebih baik jangan buat langsung....yess yess yeedee is more important after the marriage tapi kalau da plan mcm nak buat kahwin cowboy everything nak minimize den I dont think there is so much memory to be shared.
To me...this is a Walimatulurus...meaning that majlis nak kena sempurna dan memuaskan pihak yang dijemput. Kalau suma nak budget sana sini pon susah jugak. Not say that we need to splurge but I've been to weddings whereby the food only has two lauk....isnt that sad.
What I'm trying to say and beau are not the type to rush into things. We like to do things the proper way and make sure we really fulfilled our guests needs. Yes, there will always be things that "Makcik Quarters" will say but if we know that we've done our best to provide den our conscience is cleared.
There are also other factors to consider. There are only certain limited months in 2013 that we can do our wedding. Must consider the Ramadhan Month...Hari raya....and school holidays!! Why?!!! Because of my career...i'm teaching and when it's the cant invite your colleagues cause there are always at other ends of the earth. So march..june...sept..nov and dec is OUT!!
So there we go......1.5 Years before I can finally marry my Bestfriend.
Monday, April 09, 2012
2012 Already Huh??
Hey Hey Hey!!! So it's 2012 already Huh??? and Guess What?? it is coming to the 4th Month Since my Engagement Ceremony in December. And right now, currently planning and recce-ing for vendors for the BIG HUMONGOUS DAY. *takuuuuuutt*
Alhamdullilah thanks to the Almighty Allah S.W.T for His blessings and for fulfilling my wish to finally be engaged on the date I wanted. Everything went on smoothly as plan. Best part was, BOTH families were so co-operative and friendly towards each other....I could almost KISS em alll...*touched* Guess that's what they do right?? Rise to the occasion and EVERYONE of my family members..well nearly ALL stayed through the whole ceremony when deep inside I know that they are always busy and have something on that made them always left other events halfway....whatever grammar sucks today...
And everyone sang...laugh...joked....sabotage others to sing....It was the happiest moment for me and Beau I guess...I could see him smiling from ear to too...And the most Magical moment would be when I arrived and walked towards the Dias...It was magical...something that i had could only dreamed...when u knew that all eyes on you and finally you are the centre of attention.
And I still remember Beau's expression when he first saw that I was all Dolled up...he had this *Charming smile I would say that made me all touched blushed embarassed and all red. It was such a beautiful moment when His mom put on the ring and bracelet as well and all the cameras, videos, lighting plus all the camera phones are snapping away. It truly made me feel like Im holding a celebrity gitu kan...takpela Suria Channel... I tak jadi artis kat Mediacorp..Artis bawah block pon da glamz per....
Now all that's left are memories with Thousands of pictures captured and hours of video footage. Indeed, the money that were spent on...was definitely worth it. All the vendors that we actually picked was superb expecially Amani Wedding.
Not to mention, the Boss himself came down on my Engagement Ceremony Day just to check on the food plus all the deco and stuff...Which Big Boss would do that for you??? Ok doubt it impressed me...
Well catch you're all later, will update more soon. Now..time for nap.zzzzzz
Alhamdullilah thanks to the Almighty Allah S.W.T for His blessings and for fulfilling my wish to finally be engaged on the date I wanted. Everything went on smoothly as plan. Best part was, BOTH families were so co-operative and friendly towards each other....I could almost KISS em alll...*touched* Guess that's what they do right?? Rise to the occasion and EVERYONE of my family members..well nearly ALL stayed through the whole ceremony when deep inside I know that they are always busy and have something on that made them always left other events halfway....whatever grammar sucks today...
And everyone sang...laugh...joked....sabotage others to sing....It was the happiest moment for me and Beau I guess...I could see him smiling from ear to too...And the most Magical moment would be when I arrived and walked towards the Dias...It was magical...something that i had could only dreamed...when u knew that all eyes on you and finally you are the centre of attention.
And I still remember Beau's expression when he first saw that I was all Dolled up...he had this *Charming smile I would say that made me all touched blushed embarassed and all red. It was such a beautiful moment when His mom put on the ring and bracelet as well and all the cameras, videos, lighting plus all the camera phones are snapping away. It truly made me feel like Im holding a celebrity gitu kan...takpela Suria Channel... I tak jadi artis kat Mediacorp..Artis bawah block pon da glamz per....
Now all that's left are memories with Thousands of pictures captured and hours of video footage. Indeed, the money that were spent on...was definitely worth it. All the vendors that we actually picked was superb expecially Amani Wedding.
Not to mention, the Boss himself came down on my Engagement Ceremony Day just to check on the food plus all the deco and stuff...Which Big Boss would do that for you??? Ok doubt it impressed me...
Well catch you're all later, will update more soon. Now..time for nap.zzzzzz
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